Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Leitura colectiva - Novas Cartas Portuguesas

Local: Centro de Cultura e Intervenção Feminista (CCIF)
Morada: Rua da Cozinha Económica, Bloco D, 30-M e N, Alcântara, Lisboa
Contactos: 218 873 005

www.facebook.com/Faces de Eva FCSH
Uma iniciativa CESNOVA/ Faces de Eva, em colaboração com a UMAR

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

think equal - are we all feminists now?

Nike has one. The Commonwealth Countries League Education has one. The World Bank has one. (I think this one is also Nike's) It seems that having a THINK EQUAL/GIRL EFFECT video is the new must. Have you got one yet? Post them here if you do, I'm interested in collecting. I'm writing a talk on this new equality craze and will post soon... PS- There's even a parody on the genre here!