Sunday 28 November 2010

the silly feminist princess

karingana ua karingana... there was a girl who wanted to know more about feminism, before deciding to tag herself as one. but the thin, delicate border between what she wanted to learn and what she was and perhaps would like to be(come) was systematically disregarded by those with whom she spoke about her desire to understand the concept. just wanting to know was enough to transform her into a bra-burning green f-frog, with semiaquatic hairy limbs for leaping. In a cutting edge 2010 snow-white British fairytale, she rebelled against the prince, Mr. DesireToKnow, (a Hungarian version of the French Chevalier) and decided to refuse the promise of his kiss. she remained a princess for ever and ever and never won a post-doc scholarship in her life, blaming it all on the crisis.


  1. Your "bra-burning green f-frog, with semiaquatic hairy limbs for leaping" has just become my favorite f-image of all times!
    How about a job instead of a post-doc? There are still quite a few job openings over here, in spite of the crisis...

  2. Hi Anna! yes, one more try for grants and if doesn't work i might end up leaping over there! :)
